A sangha is a practice group or community. If you are surrounded by sangha, you have the chance to sit together, to learn together, and to strengthen your practice.
“Building brotherhood and sisterhood is the foundation of the sangha, and if the sangha is happy, then it can be a refuge for so many people.” Thầy.
Ireland-Wide Online Sanghas
Online sanghas are listed here.
Local Sanghas across Ireland
Local sanghas across Ireland are listed here, county by county. We keep the Sangha details as up to date as possible. Please make any enquiry directly to the sanghas listed, by contact method suggested to connect with the sangha you are interested in.
Starting a sangha, or thinking about it
Would you like to start your own sangha? It is possible!
A good place to start is Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation’s https://thichnhathanhfoundation.org/sangha-building-resources and their sangha handbook that is available to download.
Outside Ireland
To locate a Sangha outside Ireland please visit iamhome.org
Ordained students of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
Where: The OI community of aspirants and members is spread throughout Ireland, and internationally.
Contact: oi.ireland@yahoo.ie
Notes: For information on Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing see: https://orderofinterbeing.org/about/