We regret to inform you that this retreat is now full. You can join the waiting list to be offered a place if there are any cancellations.
The Spring retreat this year will be 3 days from Friday, 28th April until Monday, 1st of May.
We have a beautiful new venue for this retreat – Ards Friary in Creeslough, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal.
Why is the retreat full almost as soon as it opened on this page?
One of the advantages of becoming a member of Mindfulness Ireland is that we offer places on our bi-yearly retreats to members a week before we release them to the public. As this retreat venue is smaller than usual, it filled up very quickly. We are sorry for any disappointment caused.
If you would like to join Mindfulness Ireland, you can send an e-mail to mindfulnessirelandpv@gmail.com for more information.